• Love Never Fails International PO BOX 221 Metuchen, NJ 08840
  • 732-476-0523
  • info@lovenfi.org
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Our Team

Our team is almost 30 strong and because we’re global, it means we work around the clock to make sure orphans and children in poverty are thriving. Being a children’s charity that cares for vulnerable children is a complex challenge requiring more than just talented people. It takes passionate hearts, committed optimism and deep experience at every level of our organization. From our most senior leaders to our child ambassadors, Love Never Fails International is a world-class team united in our vision and working together for the children around the world.

Dr. Johnathan Kraus
Founder and Executive Director, Love Never Fails International

Adaptable and passionately curious leader who seeks out challenges, Johnathan was born to help teams win. He was a former college professor, Rutgers and Harvard educated, and an expert in mental health. Johnathan left the comfort of his life in the US to move to India in 2010 and start Love Never Fails International. A true humanitarian helping children in poverty overcome trauma and excel in the classroom to catapult them to new heights.

Leadership Team

Ellen Frodlova


Amit Verma

Web Design

Charmaine Mylene


Myla Anor

Executive Director

Board of Trustees

Brandon Zager


Brandon has been serving in the Christian ministry capacity for the last 20+ years. A former NYC detective. He enjoys his days at the beach living in Miami, Florida area. His hobbies are working out, reading, and volunteering with multiple organizations.

Keith Baskerville


Keith works for a fortune 500 company in Silicon Valley, California. He’s a public speaker and entertainer for youth audiences. He enjoys discovering new plant based food options, traveling the world, and spending time with his family.

Alex Belozerov


Alex was born and raised in Latvia until he was 19. He came to USA 25 years ago with his family. He enjoys creating music, boating, and going on trips with his family.

Myla Anor

Board Member at Large

Myla grew up in a sponsorship program and is living proof child sponsorship works! She has a 1yr old daughter who is the love of her life, her husband is a pastor, and they both enjoy serving in all capacities with their Church. Myla’s hobbies are visiting her family, going to the beach, and learning new things online.


Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors serve to exemplify and carry forward LNFI's mission. They also help guide the implementation of new policy and ensure that all ministry activities are aligned with our strategic ministry objectives.